Author: admin

Electrical accidents at work and how to claim compensation

Electrical accidents at work and how to claim compensation About 1000 cases are reported to the Health and Safety Executive in the UK involving burns or electrical shock. Approximately 30 of these will be fatal. We assess below how electrical accidents at work happen, how to claim compensation for them and how to avoid them. […]

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Fallen off a ladder and making a personal injury claim - here's how

Fallen off a ladder and making a personal injury claim – here’s how Using ladders at work can be hazardous if proper precautions are not taken. Ladder-related accidents are a common cause of workplace injuries. In the UK, falls from ladders account for almost a third of all injuries and cost the UK economy £60 […]

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Accidents when working at heights and personal injury claims in Northern Ireland

Working at height can be dangerous, and accidents can result in serious injuries or fatalities. In the UK falls from heights accounted for 29% of all fatal accidents in the workplace in 2020 – 2021. In Australia the figure was 29% (2019). Since 2020, falls have killed nine workers carrying out construction work at height […]

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Accidents in the construction sector in Northern Ireland and claims for personal injuries

Accidents in the construction sector in Northern Ireland and claims for personal injuries. The construction industry is a major employer in Northern Ireland and has a poor accident record with 46 workers killed in accidents over the last 10 years. The statistics for 2002 – 2017 published by the Health and Safety Executive Northern Ireland (HSE […]

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Motorcycle accidents and compensation in Northern Ireland

Motorcycle accidents and compensation in Northern Ireland Motorcycle accidents can be very serious as the motorcyclist is in a more vulnerable position that a motorist. Motorcycles make up 1% of all vehicles on the road in the UK yet account for 20% of all road deaths. The Department of Transport figures for the year ending […]

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Data Protection Law and breaches in Northern Ireland - the law and your rights

Data Protection Law in Northern Ireland The law in Northern Ireland in relation to data is contained in the Data Protection Act 2018. The 2018 Act reflects the General Data Protection Regulations implemented by the Europe Union. The legislation controls how personal information can be used and your rights to ask for information about yourself. What […]

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Personal Injury claims and uninsured and untraced drivers in Northern Ireland

Uninsured and untraced drivers - compensation claims in Northern Ireland Almost 7,000 uninsured drivers were stopped by the PSNI in 2021. It is likely the real number of uninsured drivers is far in excess of this. It is a criminal offence to drive an uninsured vehicle on a public road in Northern Ireland. Insurance is […]

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Fatal Accident Claims in Northern Ireland

What is a fatal accident claim? Fatal accident claims arise when someone loses their life because of the negligence or wrongful act of another person or body. What circumstances could lead to a fatal accident claim? There are many different circumstances that can lead to fatal accident claims, and the specific details of each case […]

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Accidents abroad - on holiday or at work

Accidents whilst on holiday or when working abroad can be very stressful. Not only do you have to deal with the local authorities – often in a foreign language – but you also may have to deal with foreign rules and regulations with a different administrative process than in Northern Ireland. Accidents and illness on […]

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7 Donegall Square West,
Belfast, BT1 6JH

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26-28 Bishop Street,
Derry, BT48 6PR

TEL: 02871 362 299

Kearney Law Group specialises in legal services relating to Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence. We are committed to achieving the best results for our clients.

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